The legal periodical Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie (Comparative Constitutional Review) was founded in 1993. From 1993 to 2021, it had been published by the Institute for Law and Public Policy (and its predecessors). Starting from the issue № 6 (145) 2021, the journal is published by the Center for Constitutional Studies.
Prior to 2003, the journal was titled Constitutional Law: Eastern European Review and was dedicated to translations of articles from the East European Constitutional Review journal (ceased to exist in 2003).
SKO/CCR is a peer-reviewed, Russian-language scientific journal, featuring only the best scholarly papers of both Russian and foreign experts in the field of law, political science, economics, history and philosophy.
The journal is a leading platform for advancing the study of constitutional law and a deeper understanding of complex issues of the functioning of the modern state and the legal status of individuals in it. Published six times per year, it contains articles on theory and practice of constitutional law, plus reviews of all the most relevant decisions and judgments of the Russian Constitutional Court, as well as book reviews.
Main Topics
- legal and political trends in modern states;
- implementation, protection, and limits of constitutional rights and freedoms;
- European and international standards in the field of human rights and the organization of state institutions;
- relevant problems of development of the state and search for the optimal constitutional models;
- the role of the constitutional justice in the legal order, stability, and development;
- constitutional basis for regulation of various branches of public relations;
- implementation of the constitutional provisions and principles in the context of reforming the most important aspects of the state and society;
- individual, society, and state in a changing world: the development of information technologies, globalization, the threat of international terrorism, etc;
- the methodology of comparative constitutionalism;
- history of constitutional and political thought.
Publisher: Center for Constitutional Studies Ltd.
Address: 129090, Moscow, Shchepkina St., 8
Founder: O. Sidorovich
Information about the public registration of the periodical
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Volume: 200 pages
ISSN 1812-7126
e-ISSN 2542-1417