Available in Russian
Author: Timofei Vinogradov
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2016-1-138-150
Keywords: Constitutional Court of Russia; European Court of Human Rights; legislative drafting; requirements to the bill; verification of the bill for compliance with requirements
Obviously that it is necessary to provide high-quality bill to the State Duma, that will be able to pass successfully legislative process at all stages of the, and effectively regulate social relations in practice. One of the most important ways to improve the quality of bills is to comply with certain require ments in their drafting. In the legal literature and judicial practice, we can find valuable legal contractions, which are designed to significantly improve the quality of adopted laws. The main problem in this field is the application of existing legal materials: requirements, as a rule, are located in different sources, so that situation makes them difficult to apply. In our view, only a systematic approach to the problem will allow to develop a high-quality bill that wouldn't require numerous amendments in the future. For more effective application, requirements to the bills can be divided into technical (including, particularly, definiteness of legislative regulation, consistency, compliance with the stylistic requirements, the laws of formal logic, grammar rules and appearance requirements) and substantive (feasibility, efficiency, optimality, reality, validity and compliance with the acts of higher legal force). The article defines characteristics of each of the whole spectre of requirements, as well as their possible limits. In addition, the article suggests the patterns of the compliance of the bills with established requirements.
About the author: Timofey Vinogradov – graduate student of the Constitutional and Municipal Law Department of the Faculty of Law at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Citation: Vinogradov T. (2016) Razrabotka kachestvennogo zakona: trebovaniya k proektu [The Making of Quality Laws: Requirements to the Law Drafts]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, no. 1, pp. 138–150. (In Russian).
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