The constitution and social demand for change in contemporary Russian society

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Author: Andrey Medushevsky

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2019-1-21-41

Keywords: elites; leadership; legal reforms; legitimacy; political institutes; political regime; professional community; Russian Constitution; social demand for change; transition of power


The predominant Post-Soviet orientation of the Russian social consciousness on stability as a reaction to the twofold collapse of the country during the 20th century is now receding. In the past quarter of a century (after the collapse of USSR and the adoption of 1993 Russian Constitution) the goals of the transitional period have been fulfilled as officially reported, a new generation has come of age, and new dynamic social groups are beginning to associate their perspectives with social changes. This growing demand for change is mainly concerned with the social sphere, but could potentially touch the area of constitutional priorities as well. The general problem is as follows: how can the Russian Constitution and political order based on it answer this growing request to fulfill still unarticulated social expectations which, under certain preconditions, could provide a negative mood? On the other hand, how can social change influence society’s vision of the Constitution, as well as the attitudes of intellectuals, politicians, and officials? In what ways will the Constitution need to adapt for the forthcoming global and national social transformations, first of all in order to confront the question of power transition in 2024. In this article the author debates the following questions: the main contemporary challenges to Russian constitutionalism, the interdependent logic of Constitutional basic norms and political regime dynamics, the dysfunctions of the legal system and parameters of political reforms prospects for developing constitutional order in light of powertransition processes, and the possible answers of the political elite and professional community to the growing demand for social and constitutional change.

About the author: Andrey Medushevsky – Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Tenured Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Medushevsky A. (2019) Konstitutsiya i sotsial'nyy zapros na izmeneniya v sovremennom rossiyskom obshchestve [The Constitution and social demand for change in contemporary Russian society]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 21–41. (In Russian).


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