Available in Russian
Author: Igor Pibaev
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2022-1-108-135
Keywords: clergy; imams; islam; accreditation; autonomy; religious organizations; European Union; extremism
The tendency that has emerged in Russia over the past years towards strengthening control over the regulation of activities of religious associations has led to significant changes in the regulation of freedom of religion by creating mechanisms (sets of requirements) intended to prevent the spread of religious extremist ideology by clerics. The author examines the accreditation of clergy by public authorities in two different aspects: local and cross-border. An attempt is made to compare Russian and foreign innovations aimed at protecting national security. The second section of the article analyzes the Russian experience of local accreditation. The third section focuses on the experience of countries with the largest percentage of Islamic populations – France, Germany and Bulgaria. In the fourth section, special attention is paid to the study of the legislation and practice of those states (Turkey, Algeria, Egypt) that send Islamic clerics abroad or provide an opportunity for them to receive religious education. As a result, the author, having considered a wide range of methods of accreditation of the religious activities of clergy, formulates optimal mechanisms for reducing negative foreign influence in the religious sphere and for satisfying Muslims’ needs for trained Imams.
About the author: Igor Pibaev – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Associate Professor, Department of State Legal Disciplines, Volga-Vyatka Institute (branch) of the Moscow State University of Law named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL), Kirov, Russia.
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