Available in Russian
Author: Fedor Voskresenskii
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2022-1-136-163
Keywords: judiciary; political system; wages; human rights; personal protection
This article describes the participation of the judiciary in shaping the level of salary of Russian citizens through a political analysis of individual court decisions. The author took two sets of court cases, each having a single subject matter which was seen through the prism of judges’ perceptions at different levels of the judicial system. The first case involves a conflict between management and ambulance medical workers over remuneration issues. The second case arises from a dispute over the calculation of wages of persons working in special climatic conditions. The key element of both cases is their economic component, which affects a wide range of stakeholders and illustrates the economic conflict between society and the State, which is very relevant for Russia. One of the main reasons for the depression and demographic collapse in the country is the extremely low level of salary. It does not ensure normal reproduction of the labor force and the population as a whole. The article’s conclusion is that when conflicts arise between the State and the individual, the courts prefer to rely on formal normative models of the relationship between them. They define the rights of the individual in the framework of sometimes difficult to distinguish and rather harsh frameworks set by the ruling political regime. These include whole sets of normative acts that give the prerogative in determining the scope of rights to state authorities. The courts, having before them a wide alternative spectrum of possible maneuvers in terms of normative material for use when conflicts arise, instead choose the simplest justifications, repeating the reasoning of the Executive agencies opposing the individual parties in the case.
About the author: Fedor Voskresenskii – Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Citation: Voskresenskii F. (2022) Uchastie sudebnoy systemy v formirovanii urovnya oplaty truda v Rossii (politologicheskiy analiz sudebnykh resheniy) [Participation of the judiciary in shaping salary levels in Russia (a political science analysis of individual court decisions)]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 136–163. (In Russian).
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