“There is nothing more important than the little things”, or The problem of execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

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Author: Irina Dudko

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2024-1-183-206

Keywords: execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court; compensatory mechanism; revision after decisions of the Constitutional Court; systemic execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court; law-making and law-enforcement execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court


Execution of decisions is the key to proper functioning of the institutions of constitutional control and of ensuring constitutional legality in the state. An analysis of the implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Russia demonstrates a generally positive dynamic. Yet there still are a number of problems associated with the adoption of normative acts in pursuance of decisions of the Constitutional Court, as well as with law enforcement agencies’ proper consideration of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court. Further improvement of the mechanism for executing decisions requires an analysis of the changes that have already taken place in legal regulation of the procedures and deadlines for executing decisions and of the duties and responsibilities of authorities. The author, using formal legal and historical legal methods, assesses the state of legal regulation of the execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court and analyzes the decisions of the Constitutional Court and of courts of general jurisdiction in cases of constitutional complaints, analytical reports and other materials of the Constitutional Court and other public authorities, and articles and publications on the implementation of decisions of constitutional courts. This analysis shows that the federal authorities involved in the legislative process initially lacked a clear idea of how the decisions of the constitutional control body should be properly implemented. Amendments to legislation in this area were aimed at solving other problems not related to the execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court. The main problem in legislation remains the lack of detailed regulation of the procedure and timing for the adoption of federal laws pursuant to decisions of the Constitutional Court. The problem of codifying norms articulated by the Constitutional Court remains unresolved. Currently the execution of decisions is carried out mainly by the courts. In the law enforcement mechanism there is no procedure for applying compensatory mechanisms for a complainant if the Constitutional Court has established the impossibility of reviewing decisions in his case, nor are there other ways to restore the rights of citizens against whom unconstitutional norms have been applied.

About the author: Irina Dudko – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Associate Professor, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Dudko I. (2024) “Net nichego vazhnee melochey”, ili Problema ispolneniya resheniy Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF [“There is nothing more important than the little things”, or The problem of execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation]. Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 183–206. (In Russian).


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