Constitutional and judicial implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights

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Author: Tamara Morshchakova

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2016-2-182-189

Keywords: constitutional implementation (enforcement) of international standards of the rights and freedoms; European Court of Human Rights; interaction of national and supranational jurisdictions; principle of subsidiarity and the compliance with decisions


The author analyses the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation which ensure enforcement of international legal standards of human rights and freedoms as well as the significance of these constitutional provisions for supporting Russia’s application to join the Council of Europe. The article also considers the circle of subjects in within the Russian legal system responsible for the judicial implementation of conventional rules of protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms translating the supranational regulation in this sphere onto the constitutional level. The author emphasises the consistency of constitutional fundamentals of the constitutional system with the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the importance of the principle of subsidiarity in the European Court jurisdiction as a basis of its interaction with national legal systems – in order to harmonize the positions of the latter and to ensure the enforcement of supranational judicial decisions. The article stresses the need for and the possibilities of the dialogue between national and international courts to help more efficient and effective development of the universal human rights system based on the recognition of both international standards and specific features of national legal institutions.

About the author: Tamara Morshchakova – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Tenured Professor, Faculty of Law, National Research University – Higher School of Economics; Judge of the Russian Constitutional Court (1991–2002).

Citation: Morshchakova T. (2016) Konstitutsionnaya i sudebnaya implementatsiya Evropeyskoy Konventsii po pravam cheloveka [Constitutional and Judicial Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, no. 2, pp. 182–189. (In Russian).


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