Constitution as a stability margin of a state: Does the potential of the 1993 Russian Constitution remain?

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Author: Yury Baturin

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2018-2-104-115

Keywords: constitution; democracy; нелинейность; ресурсодинамика; стабильность; энтропия


The Constitution is considered to be a mega-regulator of relationships in society and in the state that provides a particular reservation of potential stability. This can be evaluated using a physics-based approach that includes an entropic resource as its basis. Entropy is a general expression of numerous process anomalies and accumulated dysfunction. Political and ideological diversity, along with other democratic principles, are beneficial, but costly. They facilitate a quick increase in entropy, which needs to be compensated by economic mechanisms and/or a wide attraction of intellectual resources (such as science). However, the real situation in the country demonstrates that the economy is failing to meet this requirement, and that the government is not considering science to be an important regulator. In these circumstances, the potential stability of the Constitution is quickly spent, although currently it has not yet been exhausted. Changing the constitution–not just changing one legal document for another–is a complex process that results in a loss of control of a portion of the system’s connections and that stimulates a search of alternative paths of development. Without the reserve of potential constitutional stability, one can count on changing the constitution only in extreme circumstances. Even in the best of conditions, the process of changing a constitution causes an increase in instability. At the same time, changing a constitution can lead to yet another resurrection of the question of the status of subjects of the federation and the process of their separation could inadvertently begin. The author concludes that the current Russian Constitution of 1993 has adequate stability in reserve and, therefore making its replacement unreasonable.

About the author: Yury Baturin – Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences in Law, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Baturin Yu. (2018) Konstitutsiya kak resurs stabil’nosti gosudarstva: Sokhra­nyaetsya li potentsial Konstitutsii Rossii 1993 goda? [Constitution as a stability margin of a state: Does the potential of the 1993 Russian Constitution remain?]. Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol.27, no.2, pp.104–115.


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