Available in Russian
Author: Igor Irkhin
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2020-2-103-117
Keywords: autonomy; centralization; decentralization; principle of subsidiarity; solidarity
In this article the author examines the scientific approaches to the definition of the principle of subsidiarity, while also proposing his own definition of this principle. The author indicates various approaches to understanding this principle, distinguishes several modifications and models of the principle of subsidiarity. The author gives particular importance to the “political”, “administrative” and “legal” components of the principle of subsidiarity, focusing his attention on the fact that these elements of the principle of subsidiarity are considered by various specialists either in synthetic unity or separately from each other, their differentiated specific gravity is emphasized. It is indicated that the features of the legal configuration of the principle of subsidiarity imply a variability in the interpretation of specific conditions for its application, which actualizes the problems of the algorithmization of the actions of the relevant entities. The specified specificity gives dynamism to the principle of subsidiarity, which minimizes the potential for the development and application of universal methods for its implementation. As a prerequisite for the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity, the existence of a multi-level pluralistic model of public law and competition between levels of public authority on the list of competencies in the field of competence is indicated. The hypothesis is substantiated that in the structure of the principle of subsidiarity the priority is given to lower units in the organizational and functional aspect, and in the teleological aspect, previously agreed common interests that reflect the goals and prospects of joint development dominate. On this basis, the author considers the problems of applying the principle of subsidiarity in the context of the trends of centralization and decentralization and emphasizes the dualistic structure inherent in the considered principle. It is noted that subsidiarity implies not so much centralization as solidarity with respect to the primary goals and objectives of the national (supranational) and subnational levels of public authority, while the axiomatic significance of the principle of subsidiarity is manifested in strengthening decentralization, through which pluralization of the entire public administration system is ensured (a centralized model of public administration is not excluded, but not encouraged). It is concluded that the inherent functional-purpose setting of the principle of subsidiarity is to find the optimal balance between solidarity in relation to previously agreed fundamental goals and the diversification of methods and means of achieving them by subjects of multi-level public administration, in which the units of public authority closest to the population.
About the author: Igor Irkhin – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T.Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia.
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