Common heritage: genetic data of relatives in the decision of the High Court of London

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Author: Yulianna Makarova

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2024-2-167-180

Keywords: genetic test; genetic data; patient confidentiality; the duty of confidentiality; familial genetic risks; genetic exceptionalism; pacing problem


The advent of genetic testing and the impressive progress that has taken place in this area are forcing the law to face the problem of adapting to the pace of development of biomedical technologies, called in scientific circles the “pacing problem”. Today it is obvious that the results of such testing can be important not only for patients, but also for their family members, who, if an inherited genetic mutation is identified, will have an opportunity to begin preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic treatment or make more informed reproductive choices. However, if the patient does not consent to the disclosure of genetic information to relatives, then the health care professional is faced with a dilemma, which is to balance the interests of both the patient and his family members. The article is intended to draw attention to this problem, and therefore it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the circumstances of the high-profile Judgement of the High Court of London in the case ABC v. St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust & Ors. This case was initiated by the daughter of a patient who was diagnosed with a severe genetic mutation — Huntington’s syndrome. Despite the discovery of a hereditary disease, health-care professionals did not inform the applicant about the existing genetic risks due to her father’s refusal to disclose confidential information about the confirmed diagnosis. The article describes the factual side of the case, summarizes and analyzes the legal arguments on the basis of which the final decision was made. It is noted that precisely because of the uniqueness and familial nature of genetic data, the information obtained as a result of testing one person can be extremely important for his relatives. Analyzing the legal consequences of the decision, it was concluded that it is difficult to apply a legal regime to genetic data that sets a high bar of requirements for the disclosure of confidential information. In conclusion, the key arguments of opponents of disclosing genetic information to third parties are outlined, perspectives and solutions are demonstrated that deconstruct at least some of the identified concerns, and possible ways to minimize the identified risks and protect the interests of three parties are proposed: patients, their relatives and health-care professionals themselves.

About the author: Yulianna Makarova – Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia .

Citation: Makarova Yu. (2024) Obshchee nasledie: geneticheskie dannye rodstvennikov v predelakh Vysokogo suda Londona [Common heritage: genetic data of relatives in the decision of the High Court of London]. Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol.33, no.2, pp.167–180. (In Russian).


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