Available in Russian
Authors: Aleksei Dolzhikov, Anna Vasilyeva
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2024-2-19-44
Keywords: constitutional right to reasonable administrative action; substantive judicial review; reason-giving; expediency; de novo judicial review; scientific validity; evidence in administrative proceedings; questions of fact
The constitutionalization of administrative law has different manifestations. The fundamental law of every country influences the structure and functions of executive authorities. Most often, constitutions affect public administration by establishing fundamental principles such as democracy, separation of powers, and rule of law. In some cases, such abstract constitutional provisions remain only as a beautiful ideal without really limiting the arbitrariness of administration. In other cases, on the contrary, they predetermine the scope and intensity of judicial review of administrative action. One example is reference to the constitutional principle of separation of powers, which allows courts to justify deference in reviewing governmental actions. Some jurisdictions are declaring “new” fundamental rights in the field of public governance. Among them are the right to just administrative actions and the right to administrative justice. Despite the difference in wording, such constitutional provisions include the right to reasoned administration. This article examines the reason-giving principle in administrative law. The authors’ main argument addresses the possibility of a broader interpretation of the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs in Russia. It is argued that the scope of this fundamental right covers the requirement of reasoned administrative actions. In support of the main thesis, a comparative legal method is used, based on which the paper examines the issue of constitutionalizing the right to reasoned administration. In the next part, an attempt is made to systematically analyze the normative framework of the reasoned administration requirement in Russian legislation. This conceptual analysis is due to the lack of codification of administrative procedures in modern Russia. Finally, the development of the principle of reasoned administrative actions is shown using examples of Russian jurisprudence. Along with individual actions and decisions, the extension of the constitutional right to reasoned administration in relation to subordinate regulations is discussed.
About the authors: Aleksei Dolzhikov – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor of the Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Anna Vasilyeva – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, LL.M. (University of Passau), Associate Professor of the Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Citation: Dolzhikov A., Vasilyeva A. (2024) Konstitutsionnoe pravo na motivirovannoe upravlenie [Constitutional right to reasoned administration]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol.33, no.2, pp.19–44. (In Russian).
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