Available in Russian
Author: Fedor Voskresenskii
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2024-2-107-139
Keywords: political and judicial power; political system; judges; political institution; judicial system
The article attempts to describe the judicial system as a political institution. The author relies on the specifics of the activities of Russian courts, which does not prevent drawing general conclusions that are applicable to the judicial system of any state. The author examines how judges function as political actors and how the political foundations of their decisions are formed. He contends that political science’s viewpoint disputes the legal approach to the courts. Legal positivism and formalism give a one-sided view of the activities of the judiciary. There is an almost complete identification of policy with law in judicial decisions. The political limits of judicial institutions are demonstrated, as shown in the reality of the work of courts. According to the author, we can speak about the political nature of the courts in a traditional (broad) sense and in a narrow sense. In the narrow sense we are dealing with judicial matters involving the acquisition, maintenance and distribution of political power by one or another political actors of the state. In the broad sense, judges are using a political approach in all cases where they make decisions based on their own understanding of the commonweal and where they act within the political function of the courts in a general mechanism of the political-legal system. In both cases, normative legal acts are used in the text of procedural decisions as tools for achieving goals formulated by judges’ political views (in the narrow and broad senses). It is the political background of court decisions that determines in what way and for whose benefit they will be made. This makes it possible to define the courts as first of all a political and secondarily as a law enforcement institution. It is concluded that Russian courts (like the judicial system of any other state) constitute a synthetic political and legal institution.
About the author: Fedor Voskresenskii – Barrister of Leningrad Region Bar Association, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Citation: Voskresenskii F. (2024) Sudebnaya sistema: politicheskiy versus pravovoy institut (simfoniya ili oppozitsiya) [Judicial system: a political or legal institution (symphony or opposition)]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol.33, no.2, pp.107–139. (In Russian).
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