Available in Russian
Author: Valentina Chekharina
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2023-4-56-75
Keywords: Polish Constitutional Tribunal; Judgment on the Treaty on European Union; judicial reform in Poland; conflict with EU institutions; The Constitution of Poland; rule of law
Since the end of 2015, Poland has been in a difficult situation with respect to the rule of law of the European Union (EU). Judicial reforms launched in 2017, strengthening the influence of the ruling Law and Justice party on the formation of the judiciary and on the system of disciplinary liability of judges, significantly aggravated the dispute between Poland and the bodies of the European Union. The Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland, adopted on October 7, 2021, continued the conflict. The Tribunal found that the EU Court of Justice’s interpretation of Articles 1 and 19 of the Treaty on European Union in its decisions on independence of the judiciary is contrary to the Constitution of Poland. The Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal should be viewed in the context of growing tensions in relations between EU institutions and Polish public authorities, which view the EU intervention as a restriction of Polish national sovereignty and identity. Analysts have noted the unprecedented nature of the decision, in that it denies the rule of law of the EU and the principles of loyal cooperation and effective judicial protection. It is difficult to find an analogous decision by a constitutional court of another EU Member State. The problems raised in this decision are related to the specifics of EU Member States’ implementation of constitutional control in relation to EU legislation. The formal shortcomings of the Tribunal’s decision are seen in its departure from previous judicial practice, as well as in problems that arose from improper composition of the Tribunal. Supporters of the Government’s position, however, have argued that Poland complies with binding international law and that all obligations arising from EU law remain in force. The decision of the Constitutional Tribunal of October 7, 2021, aggravated Poland’s conflict with European institutions and led to new court decisions. The Court of Justice of the European Union in its decision of June 5, 2023, in a long-standing dispute with Poland, confirmed that, although the organization of justice in Member States falls within the competence of these States, in its implementation, Member States must comply with their obligations under the legislation of the European Union.
About the author: Valentina Chekharina – Candidate of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Citation: Chekharina V. (2023) Postanovlenie Konstitutsionnogo tribunala Pol’shi o Dogovore o Evropeyskom Soyuze: obostrenie konflikta s institutami ES [The Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland on the Treaty on the European Union: aggravation of Poland’s conflict with EU institutions]. Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 56–75. (In Russian).
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