Available in Russian
Authors: Armen Dzhagaryan, Natalia Dzhagaryan
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2017-5-94-115
Keywords: competence; local government; вопросы местного значения; персоноцентризм; полицентризм; право на компенсацию; централизация и децентрализация
The competency determinacy of local governance is an important factor of the development of local governance and simultaneously is a condition of effective functioning for the entire system of public authority. However, the current model of demarcation of authority carries a contradictory nature: It does not fully consider the specifics of local governance, which is explained both by problems of identifying legal governance in Russia’s state system and by the presence of indeterminacy and misalignment (on doctrinal, normative, and law-enforcement levels) in understanding the competencies of local governments and main characteristics. Moreover, inert understandings of the competency of local governments from the narrow positions of an authority-centric approach that lead competency to functional-structural moments dominate in realizing managerial tasks. This article substantiates the authors’ view on the competency of local governance, which reflects the personalized beginnings of municipal democracy and characterizes the territorial freedom and self-organization of residents. Considering as not constructive the reduction of material characteristics of local governance to decentralized power, the authors substantiate the right to competency as the original subjective and personalized foundation for the functional maintenance of municipal democracy. In connection with this, some milestones for perfecting the legal regulation of municipal competencies are noted.
About the authors: Natalia Dzhagaryan – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; Armen Dzhagaryan – Doctor of Sciences in Law, advisor to Judge, Russian Constitutional Court, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Citation: Dzhagaryan A., Dzhagaryan N. (2017) Funktsional’no-pravovye orientiry mestnogo samoupravleniya: teoreticheskiy aspect [Functional and legal milestones for local governance: theoretical aspects]. Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, no.5, pp.94–115. (In Russian).
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