Constitutional basis for public property in the context of the creation of a legal entity of public law

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Author: Vladimir Nizov

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2020-5-134-149

Keywords: constitutional design; constitutional ideal; economic constitution; legal entity of public law; public property; separation of powers


The article discusses problems of the constitutional regulation of property rights and property itself. The research has been narrowed down to the features of public property regulation in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research is explained by the process of the reform in the public property administration in Russian Federation, which has transferring of the state property to some legal entities of public law as distinguished feature. The author proposes the historical analysis of the property regulation’s development and the role of the Constitution in this process. The comparative instruments are used to show the main preconditions and trends of public property regulation in Russia and other countries. The author argues the Russian Federation is going on the process of the property regulation construction and the modern stage sees the Constitution as a main axiological filter for that. Meanwhile, the Russian legal system has several obstacles in this way: the limitation of the direct force of the Constitution, the spoiled separation of power, etc. The importance of the system of the check and balances in the property administration is noted. Thus, the research explains the differences between the system of the separation of power in the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Russia. The author discloses the distinguishing features of the public property the state needs to account in the process of the property transition to public law entities. The critic overview of detailed property regulation in the Constitution’s text is expressed. The author notes constitutional provisions that regulate property issues are features of the post-socialist states. The difference between property rights and sovereign rights is also enclosed in the article. The justification of the right to administrate public property is provided, the research explains the importance of the justification in public property administration and its role in democratic societies, especially in the Russian Federation. The privatization and decentralization of the public property administration are needed to be explained the effectiveness and stability of these decisions. Additionally, the author argues that public property must have more concrete regulation because it needs more complex rules for just and effective administration. The conclusion of the article explains the linkage between the constitutional ideal and the development of public property regulation.

About the author: Vladimir Nizov – Researcher, Center for IT Research and Expertise, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Nizov V. (2020) Konstitutsionno-pravovye osnovy publichnoy sobstvennosti v kontekste sozdaniya yuridicheskikh lits publichnogo prava [Constitutional basis for public property in the context of the creation of a legal entity of public law]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol.29, no.5, pp. 134–149. (In Russian).


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