Available in Russian
Author: Igor Kravets
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2023-5-11-36
Keywords: humanism; diversification of constitutionalism; algorithmic society; IT-constitutionalism; digital constitutionalism; interactive constitution; constitutional communication; deliberative democracy; engagement; constitutional crowdsourcing
The article discusses the parameters of the crisis of modern constitutionalism and international scholarly approaches to understanding various models of constitutionalism in comparative constitutionalism and jurisprudence. As a result of coming to understand political and legal processes in the modern world, constitutionalism has, in its doctrinal development, transformed from a liberal legal and political theory into a broad ideological and intellectual platform. Many scholarly schools and national jurisdictions located far beyond the borders of the epicenter of constitutionalism’s primary emergence in modern and contemporary times created this platform. The study provides a critical analysis of Westphalian constitutionalism and the “heliocentric” model of the spread of modern constitutionalism; identifies the diversification of constitutionalism as a planetary phenomenon; and notes that in modern conditions of the struggle for a multipolar world, the formation and dissemination of a “polycentric” model of “hybrid constitutionalism” based on hybrid constitutional forms becomes a strategic task. The study notes the formation in the information and algorithmic society of doctrinal and normative foundations for the transition from analog to digital constitutionalism. Entering the digital and algorithmic era, constitutionalism faces the most difficult task: preserving the values of the supremacy of the constitution and of fundamental rights and freedoms with their various cultural and territorial specifics; maintaining the constitutional foundations of state and popular sovereignty and at the same time the decentralized digital participation of citizens and public associations; maintaining access to the Internet under various political and governmental regimes; and expanding the scope of professional and expert participation in discussions and decision-making on constitutional and other publicly significant issues. The author reviews scholarly approaches to understanding digital and algorithmic constitutionalism in modern Russian and international jurisprudence and in scholarly publications of Russian and foreign authors. The article uses deliberative and epistemological approaches, methods of formal-legal, concrete-historical, comparative constitutional-legal, and complex analysis. It concludes that digital and information constitutionalism is based on humanism, rationalism, human participation, respect for Internet access rights, privacy, and guaranteed anonymous digital personal identification when using innovative technologies. It involves the creation of normative requirements for the texts of existing constitutions that could prevent the emergence and spread of technocratic and authoritarian constitutionalism.
About the author: Igor Kravets – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Professor, Head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law and Constitutional Law, Acting Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law for the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
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