Available in Russian
Author: Vladimir Mazaev
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2017-6-115-130
Keywords: constitution; конкуренция; конституционные принципы; свобода экономической деятельности; экономическая модель
This article considers the relationship of the constitutional economic model and the real economic action of state authorities. Based on an analysis of materials from leading Russian economists, it can be concluded that the Russia has a semi-market economic model. Its main problems are excessive government intervention, the dominance of the public sector, the reduction of freedom of economic activity, and competitive beginnings. This situation is contrary to the important constitutional values of a socially oriented market economy. This article assesses the severity of such differences and raises issues about the ways in which this contradiction can be overcome. After assessing the role of the Constitution in search of a new economic model, this article proposes several possible approaches to implementing constitutional values in the economy. This article then substantiates the position that constitutional regulation in the expanded state has started and that it should take into account all the current trends and opportunities with economic challenges, while not retreating from the core constitutional values of economic pluralism. The main question of constitutional influence on the update of the current Russian economic model is the question of privatization of the Russian economy. The solution to this problem is the adoption of a package of Federal laws, primarily the law “On the demonopolization and privatization of the Russian economy.”
About the author: Vladimir Mazaev – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Professor of constitutional and administrative law, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
Citation: Mazaev V. (2017) Deformatsiya rossiyskoy konstitutsionnoy ekonomicheskoy modeli: otsenka i varianty reagirovaniya [Deformation of the Russian constitutional economic model: assessment and response options]. Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, no.6, pp.115–130.
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