Available in Russian
Author: Alim Ulbashev
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2017-6-87-100
Keywords: human rights; «хозяйственное право»; дуализм частного права; конституционализация частного права; личные права; система права; судебное толкование
The article presents critical analysis of the phenomenon of constitutionalization of private law in Russia and foreign jurisdictions. At the same time the author anticipates his research with a brief overview of development of Russian legislation in post-revolutionary Soviet time. Special attention is paid to political and ideological attacks on private law and the artificial allocation of so-called “economic law” (consequences of these processes for domestic jurisprudence are analyzed as well). This review is necessary for understanding the problems of implementing the doctrine of constitutionalization of private law in modern Russia. The article consistently pursues the idea of inadmissibility of considering the constitutionalization of private law as a fusion of private and public law. On the contrary, the constitutionalization of private law should be understood as a process of mutual enrichment of these areas (branches) of law. This approach is most consistent with the approaches and practices formed by the developed, so-called “civilized” jurisdictions (mainly Germany). The principle of the primacy of human rights should remain the initial value for both constitutional and private law, and therefore for the process of constitutionalization of private law.
About the author: Alim Ulbashev – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Visiting Researcher (2017/2018), Yale University, New Haven, USA.
Citation: Ulbashev A.Kh. (2017) O konstitutsionalizatsii chastnogo prava [On constitutionalization of private law] Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, no.6, pp.87–100. (In Russian).
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