Algorithms in the mechanism of implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms: challenges in the digital age

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Authors: Igor Pibaev, Snezhana Simonova

DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2020-6-31-50

Keywords: algorithms; artificial intelligence; data; digital technologies; ethical principles; human rights


The development and wide dissemination of new technological solutions lead to mainstreaming of algorithmic decision-making processes. Digital technologies become highly-demanded in state activity as well as social life and this gives the springboard for scientific discussion about the shift in the scope of constitutional rights and freedoms connected with extending and new limitation. Private data processing, content management, unfettered control over information and search results provide IT companies with huge powers concerning fundamental human rights. The article deals with some legal and ethic issues relating to the algorithms and artificial intelligence systems impact on the enforcement and the defense of constitutional rights. Taking into account the algorithmic nature and legal aspects as well as foreign practices the authors note the risks for civil, political and socio-economic rights. Special attention is given to the conceptualization of the ways the algorithms influence on legal status and human rights, justification of the suitable ways of reducing the risks connected with total algorithmization. The paper contains the study of the significance and extensive prospects of the ensuring the right to explanation in the context of the sense and reasons of automated decisions in order to enhance their transparency and accountability. The authors note that in spite of the lack of legal rules regulating algorithmic communication some state make their own steps on the way toward harmonization of algorithms with human rights and legal procedures. It is emphasized that state rejection in human translation of algorithmic processes may lead to further privatization of public powers in human rights protection. At the end of the paper the possible solutions of the discussed problems are suggested through the lens of ethic principles worked out in partnership with religious clerics. The mutual ethic declaration was signed by IBM, Microsoft and Roman Catholic Church and this fact strengthens confidence in the future of artificial intelligence as an instrument not only for narrow groups but for all of mankind.

About the authors:Igor Pibaev – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of State Legal Disciplines at Volga-Vyatka Institute (branch) of the Moscow State University of Law named after O.E.Kutafin (MSAL), Kirov, Russia; Snezhana Simonova – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Family Law at P.G.Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Expert of the Central Office of Human Rights Ombudsman in Yaroslavl Region, Yaroslavl, Russia.

Citation: Pibaev I., Simonova S. (2020) Algoritmy v mekhanizme realizatsii konstitutsionnykh prav i svobod: vyzovy tsifrovoy epokhi [Algorithms in the mechanism of implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms: challenges in the digital age]. Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, vol.29, no.6, pp.31–50. (In Russian).


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