Available in Russian
Author: Roman Garaev
DOI: 10.21128/1812-7126-2024-3-161-191
Keywords: freedom of assembly; the rights of the child; the right to freedom of assembly; the right to public demonstrations; children; minors; UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
The article is devoted to identifying and analyzing the main problems associated with the practical implementation of the right of children to freedom of peaceful assembly proclaimed in Article 15 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The purpose of the work is to determine the legal means that will allow achieving an optimal balance between ensuring the full socialization of children and guaranteeing their safety. The author sets the task of analyzing the constitutional recognition, protection, control and provision of this right based on a comparison of Russian experience and international standards in this area. The article assesses the compliance of the Russian Federation with international legal obligations in the field of human rights and the rights of the child, the state of legislation and law enforcement in the field of guarantees for the implementation of the right to freedom of assembly by children and adolescents. A comparison is made of the positions of the UN Committees on Human Rights and the Rights of the Child with domestic regulation, and the prospects for using the positions of other UN bodies, the Council of Europe and the OSCE in Russian law enforcement practice are assessed. The approaches to determining the scope of freedom of assembly, permissible restrictions and conditions for their practical implementation in historical, systemic, teleological, and casual interpretations are taken into account. The article analyzes doctrinal comments on the Convention and provides relevant examples of its implementation. The author concludes that existing international obligations and recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child are not always adequately reflected in national legislation, which leads to disproportionate restrictions on the right of children to participate in peaceful assemblies. In this regard, attention is drawn to the obligation of states to respect the right of children to public demonstrations, to bear negative and positive obligations for its implementation. The analysis shows that a comprehensive approach is needed to protect and effectively implement the right, including both the development of legal regulation and the creation of educational initiatives, the development of international cooperation. In conclusion, a view is presented on the need to improve domestic legal regulation in this area, taking into account the integration of international standards into the national legal system and ensuring the full participation of children in society.
About the author: Roman Garaev – 2nd Year MA Student, Law Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, BA in Law (with Additional Qualification “Teacher”), Member of the Youth Public Expert Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights in Moscow (2018–2023), Moscow, Russia .
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