Guidelines for Authors

We invite Russian and foreign authors to submit research papers related to the following areas: constitutional studies, especially comparative ones, dedicated either to legal or/and political aspects.

To submit your paper, you can use our online form (in Russian):

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Only previously unpublished original materials – scientific, practical or review articles, and book reviews and articles relevant to the topic of the journal may be accepted for publication.

The basic requirements for the content of copyright material are: coverage of relevant theoretical issues or practical problems, the logical structure of a statement and a proposed solutions, well-grounded conclusions, the obligatory presence of scientific apparatus and bibliographic references.

Making copyright material

Copyrighted material, including the title, information about the author/originator, abstract and key words, the original author’s text should be sent to the editor.

Name (in Russian and English) must accurately and clearly reflect the content of the author’s material, it is preferable to be catchy and memorable.

Information about the author/compiler (in Russian and English languages) consist of the following elements: surname, name and patronymic (if any); academic degree, academic title; the position or profession; place of work and/or study, including a unit (department, faculty); contact information (email or other means of rapid communication).

Abstract (in English) of about 250-270 words must uncover the task, the main results and conclusions, and be placed directly after the name of the material and the author’s name. When writing an abstract, avoid using abbreviations and acronyms.

Key words (in Russian and English) are selected from the main text of the manuscript (no more than 8 words in the nominative case or short phrases) and made as a separate line after the abstract. Key words and phrases are separated by semicolons.

Volume of the author’s material is typically 20 000 – 60 000 characters, depending on its type (judicial decisions review, book review, analytical article, etc.). The editorial board reserves the right to waive this requirement.

The text should be provided in MS Word format; the text font is Times New Roman, 12 PT (title – 14 pins); page margins: right and left – 3 cm, top and bottom – 2 cm; line spacing – 1,5; page numbers – bottom right.

The structure of the work needs to be multilevel. If there are two levels, it is necessary to refer to sections and subsections of the article using the following notation:

Level 1: 1.,2.,3… (Arabic numerals)

Level 2: 1.1.,2.1.,3.1… (Arabic numerals)

If there are three levels of subsections, it is necessary to use the following notation:

Level 1: I.,II.,III… (Roman numerals)

Level 2: 1.,2.,3… (Arabic numerals)

Level 3: 1.1,2.1,3.1…

The sections “Introduction” and “Conclusion” are included in the numbering.

Materials are accepted in Russian, English, German or French.

Bibliographic references

Original articles are accompanied by bibliographic references.

The author/сompiler is responsible for the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of citations, the presence of relevant links to official documents and other sources. All footnotes should be 10 PT; line spacing – 1,5; through numbering of footnotes; a footnote reference in the text of the article should precede the punctuation mark.

References to literature sources should contain surname and initials of the author (the text is typed in italics) and/or statement of responsibility (editors, compilers, translators, etc.); the full title of the book, journal or collection; place of publication; year of publication; volume number, part or issue; the page numbers.

For example:

1. Ожегов С.И., Шведова Н.Ю. Толковый словарь русского языка. М., 1999. С. 914.

2. Марченко М.Н. Общая теория государства и права. Академический курс. 3-е изд. М., 2007. Т. 3. С. 116.

3. Ковлер А. Сцилла и Харибда Европейского Суда: субсидиарность или правовой активизм? // Сравнительное конституционное обозрение. 2010. № 6 (79). С. 90-98.

4. Зимненко Б.Л. Применение норм международного права в судебной системе Российской Федерации: Автореф. дис. … канд. юрид. наук. М., 1999.

5. Мишин А.А. Принцип разделения властей в конституционном механизме США. М., 1984. С. 84.

6. Политическая борьба в России в период проведения социалистической революции: Межвуз. сборн. науч. труд. / редколл.: В. И. Старцев, А. В. Смолин; В. И. Старцев, А. В. Ильин, А. В. Смолин и др. Л., 1987. С. 17.

All foreign sources should be cited in the original language, avoiding acronyms, and the need to comply with all requirements as in Russian.

For example:

For English-language sources:

1. Webber G. Ch. The Negotiable Constitution: On the Limitation of Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. P. 14.

2. Kumm M. The Idea of Socratic Contestation and the Right to Justification: The Point of Rights-Based Proportionality Review // Law & Ethics of Human Rights. Vol. 4. 2010. №.2. P. 142–175.

For German-language sources:

1. Schmidt M.G. Demokratietheorien: eine Einführung. 5. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. S. 164–180.

2. Kelsen H. Allgemeine Staatslehre. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1925. S. 312–317, 344.

In those cases, when using indirect speech, before the description of the source in the footnote put a colon after the following instructions: “please See: / Cm., for example: / Cm. also: More on this, see:”. If the text is not cited in the original source, and in another document, in early references, the words “Op. by:” or”, see:” specifying the source of borrowing.

In the comprehensive reference several sources are arranged in subject order and are separated from each other by semicolons.

All abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at first use in the text. Please note that it is not recommended to use the abbreviation “the CC of the Russian Federation”, “the CC”, “the ECtHR”, “the ECHR”, “the FCC of the FRC”. It is preferable to use the full name when first used in the text, and then “the Constitutional Court”, “the European Court”, “the European Convention”, “the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany”.

For example:

1. Based on the analysis of the positions of legal scholars, formulated in the field of constitutional axiology and also the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Constitutional Court, the Court) and the constitutional courts of foreign countries…

2. The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter – European Court) in “Colon v. Netherlands” has correlated the public interest and “subjective inconvenience”.

3. The Constitutional Court had to make a choice between the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter – the European Convention).

References to the normative acts should contain its full name and link to any official publication source (including the official Internet-portal of legal information: Wherein the first date of publication (number in fugures, the month in word, year in figures), then the number of the legal act. Pay attention to the format of the sign of quotation marks «…».

For example:

1. Федеральный закон от 27 мая 2003 года № 58-ФЗ «О системе государственной службы Российской Федерации» // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 2003. № 22. Ст.2063.

2. Федеральный закон от 29 декабря 2012 года № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» // Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации ( номер опубликования: 00012012300007; дата опубликования: 30 декабря 2012 года.

3. Федеральный закон от 7 февраля 2011 года № 3-ФЗ «О полиции» // Российская газета от 8 февраля 2011 года. № 25.

References to the court decisions should contain the exact name of the body adopting the resolution; the date of the decision (the number in figures, the month in word, year in figures, the word “year” in full); the exact number, full name (if any) and publication source.

For example:

1. Постановление Конституционного Суда РФ от 21 марта 1997 года №5-П «По делу о проверке конституционности положений абзаца второго пункта 2 статьи 18 и статьи 20 Закона Российской Федерации от 27 декабря 1991 года «Об основах налоговой системы в Российской Федерации» // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 1997. № 13. Ст. 1602.

2. Постановление Президиума Высшего Арбитражного Суда РФ от 18 марта 2003 года № 10890/02 // Вестник Высшего Арбитражного Суда Российской Федерации. 2003. № 8.

References to the decisions of international and foreign judicial authorities. It is recommended to place according to the following formula: [Court Action]. [Date of Judgment]. [Name of case (defendant/s)]. [(Case No.)]. // [Source publication]. [Acting body]. [Paragraph citation].

For example:

1. The European Court of Human Rights. Judgment of 4 July 2013. Anchugov and Gladkov v. Russia, Applications nos. 11157/04, 15162/05 // URL: (дата обращения: 01.12.2014)

2. Beschluß des Ersten Senats vom 27. Februar 2008 1 BvR 370, 595/07 [Online Durchsuchungen] // Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. 2008. Bd. 120. S. 274. URL: (дата обращения: 01.12.2014)

3. Judgment of International Court of Justice. 27 June 1986. Nicaragua v. United States of America“Case concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua” (Merits). // International Court of Justice Reports. 1986. P. 97.

4. Urteil des Ersten Senats vom 15. Januar 1958. 1 BvR 400/51 [Lüth] // Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfGE). 1958. Bd. 7. S. 198.

5. Decision of United States Supreme Court. 3 March 1970. “Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc. v. Camp” // United States Supreme Court Reports. 1970. Vol. 397. P. 153.

References to electronic sources (electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, etc.) are given on the title or author of the publication, then put the acronym URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the actual address of the source on which this publication is posted. After the email indicate date of access to a network resource: number, month and year should be indicated in parentheses.

For example:

Dörmann K. International Humanitarian Law and the Protection of Media Professionals Working in Armed Conflict. URL: (дата обращения:11.11.2011).

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We also invite authors and publishers to send monographs, books, textbooks, courses, and other publications on issues of the journal for possible review on its pages or posting information about the publication.

Publications and information about them should be sent to:
129090, Moscow, Shchepkina St., 8
Center for Сonstitutional Studies

or, contact directly the Editorial board:
Phone: (495) 608-69-59.